what is project
Open Source Governance?
Open Source Governance is a research project that aims to design a blueprint with which a group can collectively and inclusively form questions and find answers that can help organize their community. The interdisciplinary project is a social design process that uses debates, workshops, case studies, publications, podcast, and other mediums to empower groups to find possible ways of self-governing. The concept departs from the disappointment with the representative systems in inclusively and fairly organizing societies, and observation of available tools (namely open-source programming) that can replace or challenge the current systems in place.

what is project
Open Source Governance?
Open Source Governance aims to design a blueprint with which a group can collectively and inclusively form questions and find answers that can help organize their community. The project is an interdisciplinary research and social design process that uses debates, workshops, case studies, publications, and other mediums to empower groups to find possible ways of self-governing. This is done by investigating the wisdom of the crowd. At the core of the idea lies the notion of governmentality. The concept departs from the disappointment with the representative systems in inclusively and fairly organizing societies, and observation of available tools (namely open-source programming) that can replace or challenge the current systems in place.
Its all about collective thinking and inclusivity. We meet each other, discuss ideas and concerns, and make things possible through a collective will
By thinking outside of the box, unlearning the complexity, and rethinking how we do things, we try to create a simpler and more efficient flow in how we organize ourselves
With respect and care for all parts of the society, collective decisions can happen directly by all members. This helps involving people in affairs that directly affect their livelihood
The main aim of project OSG is to design a blueprint with which different societies with different sizes and qualities can be able to form their own regulations
Events and announcements
Events and announcements
Our events include workshops, public sessions hosted by OSG partners, as well as presentations and talks. Also, here you can find out about the announcement of new features, podcast episodes, new partnerships, publications, and more.
Public sessions and workshops are intended to first talk about different aspects of collective decision-making, and second, to actually make a collective decision within that community. This includes discussing the basic idea, its possibilities, ethical questions, and practical possibilities/obstacles.
Our events, workshops, and public sessions are announced on our social media, as well as on this site under events.
ProjectOSG has a Discord server on which the community of the project, including the podcast audience, project participants, and contributors can discuss several topics. This includes governance, politics, open-source programming, web3, the podcast, and much more. The server is also where you can be notified about the latest developments, events, and to read and share resources introduced by the project and the community members.
The Discord channel also is a perfect place to just hang out both via text and audio. So, please join us and get to know us, and introduce yourself!
open call for articles
The open call invites all enthusiastic writers and bright thinkers to submit articles to be featured on Open Source Governance.
These articles could address the following topics:
– Politics and diagnosis of the present systems
– Governance and decentralized methods of organization
– Creating initiatives and mobilization
– Direct and liquid democracy
– Collective decision-making
– Open-source programming and tools
– Web3, DAOs, and metaverse
and other suggestive topics
The submissions could be in the form of texts of up to 2000 words, sketches, doodles, audio, video, VR experiences, and in general, in free form.
The open call is open-ended in terms of the submission date.
zine publication
In addition to being published on the website of the project, a selection of the submitted articles will then be selected and printed in the form of an annually published zine publication.
Please send your submissions to:
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